Add, resize, delete a hardrive in #PROXMOX

If you are using Proxmox for managing your VMs, you can use the Webgui to perform this tasks, and is as easy as find the VM you want to modify, go to Hardware tab of the machine and locate the Add, Resize and Delete option from the top of the VM, detail page. For example take a look at this screen capture.


And that is it, manage your VMs hardrives as you see fit. See you later.

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Transfer big files with #rsync

Use rsync to trasnfer that big file,  using the “–partial” argument you can resume the transfer if the connection goes down, so no problem there also remember to set the ssh “Client Interval” policy to avoid broken pipe errors. Example:

rsync –partial –progress –rsh=ssh root@

That is it. And if for some reason the download crash or hangs, just cancel an re-execute.

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#Mounting a QEMU Image

Yo go as root: 1) modprobe nbd max_part=8 2) qemu-nbd –connect=/dev/nbd0 /root/arm-emul/hda.img Then you mount it: 3) mount /dev/nbd0p1 /mnt/aqui When done, unmount and unshare it: 4) umount /mnt/aqui 5) nbd-client -d /dev/nbd0 That is all. Cheers Facebook0Twitter0Reddit0Linkedin0Stumbleupon0X