Easy satoshis

Sigue nuestros referral link para unirte a nuestra red de minería BTC y obtén tus Satoshis de forma fácil https://get.cryptobrowser.site/8692933 https://get.cryptobrowser.site/8731573 Facebook0Twitter0Reddit0Linkedin0Stumbleupon0 X

How do I protect my bitcoin

So a lot a people is asking me about how to protect their cryptos assets, i will tell you in this post all i am doing to take care of my Satoshis.

Ok, so the first thing you need is a computer a formal one that means no smartphones, no laptops, no ledgers nanos you need a tower desk computer that act as server.

The computer must have new parts if you are going to hold 0.5 BTC you don’t want to hold it in a old hard drive buy a new one.

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Litecoin the new push #crypto

So Litecoin is back on track as well of all other top cryptos what to expect from now… is half year and is looking good for those who made the jump, now from the miner perspective is more hard than ever Litecoin difficulty grows everyday, but we all know the value of 0.1 can be, … Read more